Sunday, February 7, 2010

shifting and moving

Ok so, I'm moving to Washington DC on 25th February. That means I only have 18 days left in Jakarta!!! *sob sob :'(
And there are few things I MUST do here before I leave
1. Give all my text books and pastpapers for my friends :) *they lost theirs so yeah, im doing "charity"
2. Give some shoes to other people *or should i sell ya? >:)
3. Take the CINERES (brendy bryan audi) + davidmph to a movie
4. Ask friends from middle school to come over to my house
5. Farewell dinner with rafflesians
6. Meet other people which are my friends, relatives and so on and so forth
7. Shop for more coats, boots, and shawls
8. Pack things :'(
9. Send my iMac through tiki! :)

And these are what i MUST do when I'm in america
1. BUY BB PLANS!! so i can keep in touch with friends via bbm. i promised to some ppl to keep my bbm on
2. go to smithsonians
4. Buy more coats, shawls, boots, and backpack and normal shoes
5. Buy a new speaker for my iMac
6. Buy a scanner :)
7. Search for a school. Im hoping for richard montgomery :)
8. If possible, paint my room to purple so I feel homey :'(
9. Go to tutti frutti :) reminds me of Jakartaa

Also, I have two missions!!
1. I'm going to contribute some articles for the pachwurk website
2. I'm going to be a free journalist, so I'm going to visit lots of art events and all :)

Ok so, I feel very excited yet at the same time I feel sad. I'm hoping I can go to Indonesia every school holidays. And am gonna miss you all here!

Lots of love,
Audrey Zefanya


  1. woot DC? you're so far away in the east coast.. hahaha anyway good luck for your future in D.C
    hopefully you won't feel any major homesick..

    ps: check out my disney couture necklace giveaway here

  2. yep i know ryt. haha thanks. since im with my family here im not feeling major homesick.
    only the little one.

    ok thanks
